蒋嘉敏 2017年于美国塔尔萨大学获得工学博士学位;2017-2019博士后就职于美国斯坦福大学SUPRI-B数值模拟研究中心;2019-2024在美国雪佛龙公司技术中心担任研究科学家。于2024年加入中科大苏州高等研究院,现任特任研究员。曾作为核心人员参与了多个国外先进数值仿真软件的科研项目。围绕地下渗流和油气开发等领域对高效高精度数值求解算法和模拟技术的需求,取得一系列创新研究成果。以第一作者在权威应用数学类期刊 (CMAME, JCP), 以及地下水文和油气等交叉领域期刊(Adv. Water Resour., SPE Journal) 发表论文18篇。发表论文他引 900 余次。研究成果得到国内外同行的广泛认可,并被应用于各大科研机构和石油、软件公司,大幅提升了实际数值仿真的精度、效率与稳定性。长期担任十余种高水平国际期刊审稿人 (CMAME, JCP, J. Comput. Appl. Math., Journal of Computational Science, etc.), 并受邀担任国际会议Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR) 2024分会场Convener.
1. Jiang, J.*, 2024. Simulating multiphase flow in fractured media with graph neural networks. Physics of Fluids.
2. Jiang, J.*, Tomin, P. and Tchelepi, H., 2023. Accelerated Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Solver for Multi-phase Flow and Transport in Porous Media. Journal of Computational Physics.
3. Jiang, J.* and Pan, H., 2023. Efficient dissipation-based nonlinear solver for multiphase flow in discrete fractured media. Journal of Computational Physics.
4. Jiang, J.* and Wen, X.H., 2021. Smooth formulation for isothermal compositional simulation with improved nonlinear convergence. Journal of Computational Physics.
5. Jiang, J.*, 2021. Localized nonlinear solution strategies for efficient simulation of unconventional reservoirs. Applied Mathematical Modelling.
6. Jiang, J.* and Tchelepi, H.A., 2019. Nonlinear acceleration of sequential fully implicit (SFI) method for coupled flow and transport in porous media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
7. Jiang, J.* and Tchelepi, H.A., 2018. Dissipation-based continuation method for multiphase flow in heterogeneous porous media. Journal of Computational Physics.
8. Jiang, J.* and Younis, R.M., 2017. An improved projection-based embedded discrete fracture model (pEDFM) for multiphase flow in fractured reservoirs. Advances in water resources.
9. Jiang, J.* and Younis, R.M., 2017. Efficient C1-continuous phase-potential upwind (C1-PPU) schemes for coupled multiphase flow and transport with gravity. Advances in Water Resources.
10. Jiang, J.* and Younis, R.M., 2016. Hybrid coupled discrete-fracture/matrix and multicontinuum models for unconventional-reservoir simulation. SPE Journal.