The laboratory has undertaken the first Wireless Sensor Network 973 Project, the first IOT 973 Project, the first batch of China Next Generation Internet (CNGI) Project launched by the National Development and Reform Commission, and the first batch of China Ubiquitous Network Project. The members of the laboratory have won more than ten awards, including the second prize of the National Sci-Tech Advance, the second prize of the National Teaching Achievements, the second prize of Natural Science Award of Ministry of Education, the first, second and third prizes of Ministerial and Provincial-Level Sci-Tech Progress Awards of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the army and others. In recent years, the team has published more than 400 academic papers on top international conferences including MobiCom, InfoCom, UbiComp, ACL, RTSS, VLDB, ICDE, MobiHoc, ICNP, ICDCS, SRDS, IWQoS, etc, and in many first-class domestic and foreign journals such as IEEE/ACM, ToN, TC, JSAC, TPDS, TMC, TKDE, VLDBJ, TWC, TDSC and so on, and among them, more than 350 papers were included by SCI/EI. The laboratory has also applied for or authorized 80 patents and 8 software copyrights.
Research fields
Network (IOT, Software Defined Network, Edge Computing) , Information Security, Pervasive Computing, Quantum Computing, Machine Learning, Big Data Processing, Computer Vision, Program Analysis, etc.
Recent achievements and awards in scientific research
1. In 2018, Prof. Xu Hongli obtained the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars.
2. In 2016, the laboratory achievement won the UbiComp Best Paper Award. UbiComp is the flagship conference in the field of ubiquitous and pervasive computing, and that was the first time that a Chinese lab won the award.
3. In 2016, the laboratory achievement was nominated for ICNP Best Paper Award.
4. Postgraduate students of the laboratory have won more than 30 awards including CAS President Award, the National Scholarship etc.
Contact information
Xu Hongli Tel: 0512-87161305
Yang Wei Tel: 0512-87161316