The first meeting of USTC Suzhou Alumni Council in 2021 was held in Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research (SIAR). The Council's Honorary President Liu Peihua and Vice President, Chairman of Beiang Technology, Ran Hongyu attended the meeting. Council President, Executive Director of Hebei Industrial Technology Research Institute, Zhang Xijun, attended the meeting online. Over 20 council members attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by the Council's Vice President, Executive Vice President of iFLYTEK Suzhou Research Institute, Zhi Hongping. Chu Jialu, member of the Standing Committee of the USTC Party Committee, and Ni Rui, member of the Working Group for the Construction of SIAR, were invited to attend the meeting.
Chu Jiaru addressed the Council, introducing SIAR’s development in discipline construction, talent attraction, and infrastructure building. He thanked Suzhou alumni for their continuous support to the development of USTC in Suzhou, and hoped they would contribute to the SIAR's development in the future.
To promote the development of SIAR, the alumni put forward various thoughts and suggestions on improve publicity, talent introduction and recruitment, and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. The Council proposed a plan for the compilation of "USTCers in Suzhou" to enhance the visibility and reputation of USTC in Suzhou and increase the cohesion of alumni.
The Council also discussed issues on major and regular activities of the year, office space, funding, and personnel.

USTC Suzhou Alumni Council Held in SIAR
Publish Date:2021-01-13